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Burg Simpson's Colorado Scholarship Competition 2020-2021

Burg Simpson’s Colorado Scholarship Competition 2020-2021

August 27, 2020 | 3 min read
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Burg Simpson has always recognized the importance of access to a strong education. Starting in 2012, we launched the Burg Simpson Scholarship Competition. Each year, Colorado high school seniors are encouraged to write and submit a 1,500 word essay on the importance of the civil jury system as the guardian of American rights and liberties for a chance to win one scholarship of $2,500 and nine $1,000 scholarships.

Partnering with the Colorado High School Activities Association (CHSAA) over the past 9 years, we have awarded over $100,000 in scholarships to college-bound students. Learn more about the requirements and submit entries for the competition here.


In an effort to teach the next generation about the importance of the civil jury system, the law firm of Burg Simpson is sponsoring our ninth annual essay competition for high school seniors. Write an original essay of 1,500 words or less that describes:

  1. How the civil jury system in the United States is being threatened;
  2. How the civil jury system protects your rights as a citizen; and
  3. The importance of preserving the civil jury system for future generations.


Civil and criminal law are two separate legal systems with different rules, laws, and standards. Essay submissions about the criminal justice system will not be considered. Not sure what the difference is between the civil justice system and the criminal justice system? Start Here.


One scholarship of $2,500 and nine scholarships of $1,000 each will be awarded to graduating seniors to attend the college of their choice. All 10 winners, their families, and a teacher of their choice will be invited to a dinner held in their honor. Winners will also appear at center court during half-time of the Colorado State Boys Basketball Championship game at the Denver Coliseum Denver, Colorado.


Any graduating high school senior enrolled in a Colorado accredited school can enter.


  • Application Due: February 1, 2021
  • Winners Notified: February 15, 2021
  • Basketball Game: March 2021 (Date TBA)
  • Scholarship Dinner: April 2021 (Date TBA)


  • Essay Submissions for the 2020-2021 contest will be accepted starting August 27, 2020. The contest deadline is February 1, 2021
  • Essays can be submitted in two ways:
    • Via mail to:
      • Burg Simpson Essay Competition
      • 40 Inverness Drive East
      • Englewood, Colorado 80112
        • If mailed, students must complete and submit an application form with their essay, available here.
        • Essays submitted by mail must be postmarked or received no later than February 1, 2021. Any submission postmarked after February 1, 2021, will not be accepted.
    • Online at
      • Electronic submissions using the entry form must be submitted by 11:59 PM Mountain Time on February 1, 2021.

Selection Process:

  • Winning selections will be notified between February 15th and February 20th, 2021.
  • All essays submitted become the property of Burg Simpson.
  • The decisions of the Burg Simpson selection board are final.
  • By entering any subsequent prize, winners agree to allow Burg Simpson the right to publish the entrant’s name, photograph images, all personal and other information (including general locations) for the purpose of Burg Simpson and the competition’s publicity, promotion, and news (including use in broadcast media, printed publications, editorial and PR activities, and online).

Essay Requirements:

  • Content (70%)
  • Applicants will:
      • Address the topic by showing a demonstrated understanding of the threats to the jury system, and the importance of preserving the jury system for future generations.
      • Use critical analysis to address the topic.
      • Choose a thoughtful and original essay topic.
      • Research the topic and provide at least four (4) sources. They must be properly cited with in-text citations and a bibliography.
      • Use convincing arguments and support them with specific examples.
  • Presentation (30%)
  • Applicants will:
    • Communicate ideas clearly.
    • Create a well-organized essay.
    • Use correct syntax, grammar, spelling, and punctuation.
    • Write in a compelling and original manner.
    • Provide a bibliography of four or more varied sources. (Non-internet sources are highly recommended.)
    • Use thoughtfully selected, reliable sources.

Other Details:

  • The Burg Simpson essay competition is not open to employees of the firm or their family members.
  • The decision of the judges is FINAL and is not subject to review.
  • The prize is exclusively for the winner and is neither transferable nor exchangeable.
  • The date of the CHSAA tournament and the awards dinner is subject to change.



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