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Four Teen Victims Seek $16 Million in Arizona Child Abuse Case

Four Teen Victims Seek $16 Million in Arizona Child Abuse Case

September 16, 2020 | 2 min read
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A team of Burg Simpson attorneys including Scott Eldredge, Seth Katz, Ty Taber, Paul Friedman, and Christopher Post along with Tucson-based victims’ rights attorney, Lynne Cadigan, is representing four adoptive children who are named as victims in $16 million child abuse cases filed in Arizona. The children allege they were subjected to aggravated assault and sexual abuse after being placed by the State of Arizona with adoptive parents. The claim requests $4 million for each of the four children.

Burg Simpson has filed a notice of claim against several parties. In addition to the adoptive parents, Brian Campbell, a former Arizona Department of Child Safety case manager in Cochise County, and Monica Campbell, a former Cochise County Sheriff’s Office dispatch supervisor, the defendants in this case also include the Campbell’s adult daughter Jade Campbell, the State of Arizona, the Arizona Department of Economic Security, Cochise County, the Cochise County Sheriff’s Office (CCSO), Sheriff Mark Dannels, and CCSO Sgt. Louie Tartaglia.

Brian and Monica Campbell are charged with committing multiple felony child abuse offenses against their four children. The children were originally placed in their home as foster children and then adopted by the couple.

Calling the Campbell home “a house of horrors,” the claim alleges Brian and Monica Campbell took “immense delight in demonstrating to the Children the power they both wielded as government agents” who could abuse the children “with absolutely no repercussions.”

The claim also points to a possible motive for the parents’ actions – the $700 of state funds they received per month per child due to the children’s alleged special needs.

Based on the court’s review of Mr. Campbell’s arrest record, the surveillance system inside the Campbell’s home, and more than a dozen reports generated by Arizona deputies regarding interactions with the Campbell’s, Brian and Monica Campbell had their parental rights severed in an uncontested court action in April of 2020.

According to Ms. Cadigan, the four teens have expressed that they “want to change the way the State, DCS, Cochise County, and the CCSO operate. They want to send a message to those responsible parties who were charged in protecting the children in their care.”

Burg Simpson is dedicated to representing the four victims who were placed in an unsafe environment and victimized by the lack of responsibility of the State of Arizona and its various contractors.

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