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Firefighting Foam Cancer Lawyers

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AFFF Cancer Attorneys

Exposure to firefighting foam has been linked to various forms of cancer and a host of additional health concerns. If you have come into frequent contact with firefighting foam and are now facing a related health issue, contact Burg Simpson’s defective product attorneys today. They can help assess your case and help you determine if you are eligible to seek compensation.

What Is AFFF?

Aqueous Film-Forming Foam (AFFF) is a firefighting agent used primarily to suppress high-intensity fires involving flammable liquids, such as oil and jet fuels. It works by forming a barrier between the fuel and the air, effectively cutting off the fire’s oxygen supply and preventing the release of flammable vapors. However, while AFFF has been instrumental in saving lives and property, it contains per- and poly-fluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) that have raised significant health and environmental concerns.

The risk of AFFF exposure is predominantly faced by professionals in sectors where firefighting foam is common. Firefighters are at the forefront of this risk, regularly engaging with AFFF during firefighting and training operations. Military personnel, particularly those working on naval ships and airfields, also frequently encounter AFFF. Additionally, workers in industrial sectors that deal with flammable liquids, such as the aviation industry, and petrochemical plants, may also be exposed to these compounds.

Continuous or repeated exposure to AFFF increases the risk of inhaling PFAS or absorbing them through the skin. Tragically, many studies have suggested a correlation between PFAS exposure and several different health concerns—including cancer.

Thousands of plaintiffs have already filed lawsuits seeking compensation for AFFF-related illnesses. If you were exposed to PFAS through firefighting foam and have since been diagnosed with cancer or another AFFF-related illness, please call Burg Simpson at 888-895-2080 to schedule a FREE and confidential case review and learn more about your rights.

Firefighter using foam to put out a fire after a traffic accident | Burg Simpson Law Firm

What Are PFAS?

Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are a family of synthetic chemicals characterized by their strong carbon-fluorine bonds, which contribute to their exceptional resistance to heat, oil, stains, grease, and water. This unique set of properties has made PFAS popular in various industrial applications and consumer products, including non-stick cookware, stain-resistant fabrics, food packaging, and firefighting foam. However, the stability that makes PFAS valuable in these applications also means they do not easily break down in the natural environment or within biological systems. This has led to their being nicknamed “forever chemicals,” a term most people have become familiar with.

The health implications of PFAS exposure are a growing area of concern among researchers and health professionals. The inherent qualities of PFAS that make them resistant to heat and chemical reactions also contribute to their bioaccumulative and potentially toxic characteristics. This underscores the importance of addressing and mitigating exposure, especially for individuals frequently in contact with PFAS-containing firefighting foams.

Which Types of Cancer Are Related to PFAS?

Several studies, including those reported by the American Cancer Society and the Environmental Protection Agency, suggest a connection between PFAS exposure and various types of cancers, including:

  • Kidney Cancer
  • Testicular Cancer
  • Breast Cancer
  • Pancreatic Cancer
  • Liver Cancer
  • Ulcerative Colitis

The National Cancer Institute reports that rates of certain types of cancer are higher among people who have been exposed to PFAS due to working at or living near manufacturing facilities where forever chemicals are produced. This is consistent with similar findings that frequent exposure to high levels of PFAS, including through the use of firefighting foam, may play a role in the development of cancer.

It is important to note that cancer is not the only risk people who have been exposed to PFAS may face. ​​Studies have linked prolonged PFAS exposure to a range of adverse health outcomes, including liver damage, immune system disruptions, developmental delays in children, and hormonal changes.

What Are the Symptoms of PFAS Exposure?

Depending on the type of cancer associated with PFAS exposure, symptoms may include:

  • Unexplained weight loss
  • Persistent fatigue that does not improve with rest
  • Ongoing pain located in specific areas, such as the pelvis or abdomen
  • Changes in bowel or bladder habits, such as constipation, diarrhea, or frequent urination
  • Blood in the stool or urine or abnormal vaginal bleeding

Symptoms of other health concerns associated with PFAS exposure may include:

  • Liver dysfunction
  • Cholesterol imbalance
  • Changes in hormone levels
  • Reduced immune response

For those who have a history of PFAS exposure, particularly through occupations that involve firefighting foam, awareness of these symptoms can assist with early diagnosis and treatment.

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Understanding Your Legal Rights

Victims of cancer or another health concern resulting from exposure to AFFF may be entitled to seek compensation for the harm they have endured. These may include damages such as:

Medical Expenses

Damages for medical expenses cover compensation for past, present, and future medication, surgeries, rehabilitation, and medical treatments made necessary by exposure to AFFF. This can include hospital stays, treatments like chemotherapy or radiation, and any specialized care or equipment needed due to the illness.

Lost Wages and Earning Capacity

If the illness has resulted in time away from work or has affected your ability to earn a living, compensation can be sought for lost wages. Additionally, if the illness leads to a long-term or permanent inability to work, you may be entitled to damages for lost earning capacity.

Pain and Suffering

Illness related to AFFF exposure can cause physical pain and emotional distress. Such non-economic damages are recoverable in a lawsuit, as well as loss of enjoyment of life, mental anguish, and chronic pain or discomfort.

Other Damages

Depending on the specifics of your case, other forms of compensation might be relevant, such as costs associated with lifestyle changes, home modifications to accommodate disabilities, and loss of consortium or companionship for affected family members. The best way to learn which damages you may be entitled to seek is through a FREE case evaluation with one of the attorneys at Burg Simpson.

How Do I Know If I Qualify for Legal Action?

Eligibility for legal action following AFFF exposure depends on several factors, including the level and duration of exposure and the latency period of the diagnosed illness. It also depends on taking action within a reasonable amount of time.

The statute of limitations for AFFF-related cancer claims can vary significantly—from one year to four or more—depending on the state where the exposure occurred. While there are exceptions in most states, failure to act within this timeframe can result in the loss of the right to seek compensation.

Given the complexity of these cases, including the scientific and legal nuances involved, it is very important to talk to an attorney as soon as possible after receiving your diagnosis. An experienced lawyer can work with medical experts to establish the link between AFFF exposure and your illness, simplify the process of seeking compensation, and advocate for the full extent of damages you are due.

The Firefighting Foam Cancer Lawyers at Burg Simpson Are Here to Help

The AFFF cancer lawyers at Burg Simpson are nationally recognized for their effectiveness both in and out of the courtroom. Leaders in pursuing justice for individuals harmed through corporate negligence, chemical exposure, and more, our attorneys have a deep understanding of the complexities involved in these cases. From reviewing scientific evidence to developing the appropriate legal strategy, we are committed to doing everything possible in our pursuit of the most favorable outcome.

Our network of offices and legal professionals in several states allows us to handle cases across the country. This helps to ensure that, no matter where you are located, you have access to thoughtful and effective legal representation. Our team of attorneys has secured many significant settlements and verdicts. We remain committed to seeking maximum compensation for each of our clients.

Contact Our AFFF Cancer Attorneys for FREE

At Burg Simpson, our approach to legal representation is characterized by compassion, respect, and a relentless pursuit of justice. We work closely with our clients, providing support and guidance through even the most challenging legal battles. If you have been diagnosed with cancer or another health condition following long-term exposure to firefighting foam, we are here to assess your claim, discuss your rights and options, and help you choose the best path forward.

Contact Burg Simpson online or call us at 888-895-2080 to schedule a FREE consultation with one of our lawyers today. We serve clients living throughout the country.