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Video Game Addiction Attorneys

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Gaming Addiction Lawyers Serving Clients Nationwide

At Burg Simpson, our dedicated team of video game addiction lawyers are advocating for children addicted to video games.

Mounting research links video games to addiction and changes to the adolescent developing brain. It now appears that some game developers may have purposefully made their games addictive to increase the amount of time adolescents spend gaming and the amount of money spent on in-game purchases. In-game purchases, such as character customizations and weapons upgrades, provide a significant source of revenue for game developers, making up approximately 30% of total revenue across the gaming industry.

Burg Simpson is investigating companies that profit at the expense of children’s health. With over 45 years of experience and more than $2 billion recovered for our clients, Burg Simpson’s experience as product liability lawyers positions us to help those harmed by dangerous products. Our firm combines local dedication with national reach, ensuring that each case is handled with the utmost care and professionalism.

If your child suffers from video game addiction, it is critical to seek knowledgeable representation. Contact Burg Simpson online or call 888-895-2080 today to schedule a FREE and confidential case evaluation.

Young boy playing a video game on a television | Burg Simpson

What Is Video Game Addiction?

According to the World Health Organization, video game addiction, or “gaming disorder,” is “a pattern of gaming behavior … characterized by impaired control over gaming, increasing priority given to gaming over other activities to the extent that gaming takes precedence over other interests and daily activities, and continuation or escalation of gaming despite the occurrence of negative consequences.”

What Are the Symptoms of Video Game Addiction?

As described by the American Psychiatric Association, research regarding video game addiction is ongoing. However, some potential symptoms of the disorder include:

  • Preoccupation with gaming
  • Withdrawal symptoms, such as sadness, anxiety, and irritability, when gaming is taken away or playing is not possible
  • The need to spend more time gaming in order to satisfy the urge to play
  • Inability to reduce the amount of, or quit, gaming
  • Giving up other activities or losing interest in previously enjoyed activities
  • Continuing to play despite problems caused by gaming
  • Deceiving family members or others about the amount of time spent gaming
  • The use of gaming to relieve negative moods, such as guilt or hopelessness
  • Having jeopardized or lost a job or relationship due to gaming

Are There Other Conditions Caused by Video Games?

Research is ongoing, but so far studies suggest that video games are associated with several medical conditions, including depression, ADD/ADHD, oppositional defiant disorder, carpal tunnel syndrome, and “gamer’s thumb.” If you are concerned your child might have a potential gaming related condition, consider talking to a health care provider or mental health professional.

Mother taking over computer from video game-addicted child neglecting his homework | Burg Simpson Law Firm

How Are Video Games Addictive?

According to the Mayo Clinic, the brain releases dopamine in response to a pleasurable experience. Dopamine is known as the “feel good” hormone and the brain is wired to seek out dopamine inducing experiences. Accordingly, some people who have pleasurable experiences playing video games will develop “a strong drive to seek out that same pleasure again and again.”

Litigation filed against several video game developers alleges that they employed psychologists and neuroscientists to maximize the addictive nature of their games. Further, the litigation alleges that game developers use algorithms, artificial intelligence, and psychological tools to increase game play time and fuel in-game purchases.

Who Can File a Video Game Lawsuit?

If your child has a video game addiction and spends at least four hours a day, five days a week gaming, you may be able to file a lawsuit on your child’s behalf. Due to the developing nature of their brains, children are 1) more susceptible to the games’ potentially addictive nature, 2) are less able to appreciate the risks of too much screen time, and 3) are more susceptible to injury. Accordingly, the focus of the pending litigation is on children. The litigation alleges that the game developers and publishers failed to warn of the addictive nature of the games and that they should have employed tools to minimize the risk of children becoming addicted, such as age verification systems and effective parental controls.

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Why Choose Burg Simpson for Your Video Game Lawsuit?

Choosing Burg Simpson to represent you and your child in a video game addiction lawsuit means partnering with a firm that brings unparalleled skill and a compassionate approach to each case. Here is why Burg Simpson stands out as the ideal choice for handling your video game addiction claim:

1. Proven Track Record

Burg Simpson has a long-standing reputation for success, consistently delivering substantial settlements and verdicts for clients facing complex legal challenges. Our product liability attorneys leverage extensive trial experience and a strategic approach to navigate high-stakes litigation effectively.

2. In-Depth Knowledge

Having litigated numerous complex product liability cases, our product liability attorneys have a deep understanding of the complexities and nuances associated with product liability cases.

3. Client-Centric Approach

Burg Simpson handles every client’s case with utmost care and personalized attention. We understand that gaming addiction can have a profound effect on children, and we are committed to providing support every step of the way.

4. Resource Availability

With a broad network of medical experts and investigators, Burg Simpson can build a robust case, enhancing your chances of a successful resolution.

5. Advocacy & Dedication

Our lawyers are dedicated advocates for public health, tirelessly working to hold manufacturers and developers accountable for the harm caused by defective products.

6. No Cost Until We Win

Burg Simpson operates on a contingency fee basis, meaning clients pay no upfront costs and fees are only collected if we successfully resolve your case.

Choosing Burg Simpson means you are not just getting a lawyer—you are gaining a dedicated ally committed to fighting for your rights and securing the justice and compensation you deserve.

Contact a Video Game Addiction Lawyer

If your child suffers from video game addiction, reach out to the lawyers at Burg Simpson immediately. Our experienced team is ready to evaluate your case and help you pursue the compensation you deserve.

Call 888-895-2080 or contact us online today for a FREE and confidential consultation. The national product liability lawyers at Burg Simpson are proud to serve clients in all 50 states.