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Kool Smiles Wrongful Child Death | ABC15 Interviews Burg Simpson Shareholder Scott Eldredge

Kool Smiles Wrongful Child Death | ABC15 Interviews Burg Simpson Shareholder Scott Eldredge

January 8, 2019 | 1 min read
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In December of 2017, the Gastelum family lost their two year old son, Zion, after baby root canals and crown surgeries. Kool Smiles dental clinic, where the surgeries took place, was accused of being responsible for the wrongful death due to negligent care post-surgery. Arizona ABC15 interviews Zion’s parents about the year-long investigation, as well as Burg Simpson named shareholder Scott Eldredge. Scott Eldredge has a long case history of representing grieving families affected by medical malpractice, and has been with the firm since 1983. More information regarding the Kool Smiles lawsuit can be found here.

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