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Vehicular Assault Homicide

Although 2016 was one of the deadliest on America’s roadways, very few of those traffic fatalities were ruled homicides. In fact, only a fraction of the 11,000 or so murders that happen in this country every year is attributed to car accidents. Yet they still happen, and a single car accident can turn into a life-changing – or even life-ending – event.

That is why states like Wyoming have enacted specific vehicular homicide statues – in fact, only three states don’t. What these statutes generally declare, among other things, is that the motor vehicle is a deadly weapon. If you are operating a motor vehicle in Wyoming and you hurt – or kill – someone, the consequences can be grave. If you need legal assistance after a motor vehicle accidents, call the Wyoming office of Burg Simpson at 307-527-7891 or fill out our Free Case Evaluation form as soon as possible.

Driving Under the Influence of Marijuana

According to Wyoming state law, a person is guilty of homicide by vehicle if he or she operates or drives a vehicle in a criminally negligent manner, and the driver’s conduct is the proximate cause of the death of someone else. The punishment for homicide by vehicle, which is classified as a misdemeanor, includes a fine of up to $2,000 and/or a prison sentence of up to one year.

Wyoming law also provides for an aggravated vehicular homicide charge if the driver was found to be operating the vehicle in a reckless manner, or if the driver was found to be under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol. The penalty for the aggravated vehicular homicide charge, which is a felony, is imprisonment up to 20 years.

Additionally, all convictions involving vehicular homicide result in an automatic one-year revocation of the offender’s driver’s license. If you have been arrested for driving while under the influence of alcohol, get help from a criminal law attorney at our Burg Simpson Wyoming office right away. Call us today at 307-527-7891.


The Wyoming federal legal system can be intimidating for nearly everyone. The experienced trial lawyers at Burg Simpson in Cody, Wyoming realize that every criminal defense case is unique. Some cases merit proceeding all the way to a jury trial, while other cases can be resolved more easily with a careful combination of aggressive and subtle negotiation.

If you or a family member is facing criminal charges, our criminal defense team can help. We work tirelessly and diligently to fight for your constitutional rights. As in any legal matter, time is of the essence. If you need legal counsel or representation in a criminal matter, Burg Simpson’s experienced attorneys in Wyoming can help. Call us today at 307-527-7891 or fill out a Free Case Evaluation Form HERE.

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