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Whistleblowers Attorneys in Phoenix

Whistleblower protection laws have existed in the United States since the Civil War. Today, most states and the federal government have whistleblower laws in place that are designed to protect workers in certain situations. Generally speaking, a whistleblower is someone – typically an employee – who comes forward with previously non-public information about activity at their workplace that is potentially illegal, unethical, unsafe, fraudulent, or a waste of taxpayer money. It is imperative to work with a Phoenix whistleblower attorney is you plan to release this type of information.

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What whistleblower protection laws fundamentally do is protect employees from retaliation for reporting any instances of wrongdoing to the authorities. Retaliation occurs when an employer either fires the whistleblower employee or takes some other kind of adverse action against them, such as:

  • Demotion
  • Harassment
  • Reduces pay or hours
  • Withholds benefits
  • Denies promotion
  • Denies overtime
  • Reassigns them to a less desirable position or location
  • Reports them to the police or immigration authorities
  • Blacklists them (e.g., mocking, ostracizing, criticizing)
  • Makes threats against them

 The central role that whistleblowers have played in the history of our country can’t be overstated. Beginning with Benjamin Franklin, who helped steer the American colonies toward war by providing secret government documents to the publishers of the major Boston newspapers, whistleblowers have long been instrumental in exposing illicit activities in both the private and public sectors. Edward Snowden, Chelsea Manning, Mark Felt (“Deep Throat”), and Daniel Ellsberg are some of the more well-known modern whistleblowers who have brought attention to serious abuses in large corporations and government agencies. Without whistleblowers, there would have been no Watergate scandal, Enron’s criminal accounting practices likely would have continued, and the American public would have learned far less about the federal government’s post-9/11 global surveillance practices. Call our whistleblower attorneys in Phoenix, AZ today if you are looking to disclose this type of information.

The Phoenix whistleblower attorneys at Burg Simpson in Phoenix fully understand how difficult and even frightening it can be for someone to decide to “blow the whistle.” Initiating a false claim act, or “qui tam,” lawsuit necessitates a thorough investigation of the facts, all while attempting to preserve the whistleblower’s legal rights and privacy in the process.

Burg Simpson is a highly regarded national law firm that has the resources necessary to successfully navigate even the most complex whistleblower lawsuits. The experienced whistleblower attorneys at our firm in Phoenix, AZ, provide sophisticated, confidential counsel to whistleblowers from all walks of life in a wide range of industries.

Are you in possession of non-public information pertaining to fraud or other type of prohibited activity at your place of employment? If so, it is imperative that you promptly seek legal representation from a law firm like Burg Simpson – a reputable national firm that is home to some of the highest-rated trial attorneys in the country. With our Phoenix whistleblower attorneys’ help, you can help expose wrongdoing as a whistleblower and possibly receive a large cash award.

Arizona Whistleblower Law

A whistleblower lawsuit can be brought pursuant to a federal or state whistleblower statute – or both. In the 1980s, the Arizona Legislature enacted the state’s first whistleblower law to protect public employees who report employer wrongdoing from retaliation. This law covers state employees, individuals who work at state agencies, commissions, and boards, and all employees and officers of school districts, community college districts, and counties.

Arizona whistleblower law has since been expanded to protect whistleblowers in the private sector.

Schedule Your Free Case Evaluation Now

Deciding whether to become a whistleblower can be fraught with anxiety. Fortunately, you don’t have to make the decision alone. The experienced whistleblower lawyers at Burg Simpson in Phoenix will be pleased to help you explore all your legal rights and options during a confidential and free case evaluation.

To get started, either call the Phoenix whistleblower attorneys at Burg Simpson office in Arizona

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