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There are more than 47% of households in the United States that depend on natural gas as a heat source and approximately 36% of American households that depend on electricity for heat. A vast majority of Americans use gas to heat our homes, cook food, heat water for bathing, and to dry clothes in the dryer. What many people don’t ever think about though are the dangers that are associated with natural gas as they go about using it in their everyday lives.

A gas leak that goes undetected can result in a catastrophic explosion that no one expects. These explosions can cause major damage to the property where the leak occurred and to the surrounding properties. Home explosions cause serious injuries and can even result in the death of one or more people. The people who are fortunate enough to live through a home explosion can be left with disfiguring injuries, suffer from traumatic brain injuries, lose their extremities or their eyesight. They may also suffer from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).

Entire neighborhoods can be destroyed when a home explodes causing devastating losses for all families who are affected. Home explosions that arise from some form of negligence are on the rise at an alarming rate across the United States. Negligence on the part of the gas companies, the construction companies, the property owners, or the product manufacturers needs to be established so that all responsible parties can be held accountable for their part in the home explosion. Call the experienced explosion attorneys at Burg Simpson today if your home or neighborhood have been damaged by a gas explosion.

Many victims of explosions are unaware of the legal options available to them. If you or someone you love has been injured in a propane or natural gas explosion it’s important to know that you have rights. You may be entitled to substantial compensation for your injuries and the financial losses you incurred as a result of the explosion, as well as your pain and suffering. It’s crucial that you take a proactive stand to ensure your legal rights are protected. Consulting with a reputable and competent serious injury and explosion attorney at Burg Simpson as soon as possible will ensure you are in the best position possible to be successful with your claim to collect the maximum recovery available to you under the law.

The explosion accident attorneys at Burg Simpson have over four decades of experience fighting on behalf of innocent explosion victims throughout the United States. Our team of personal injury attorneys represents victims and their loved ones who have been injured or killed by a propane or natural gas explosion throughout the United States. Our well-established personal injury firm has the experience, time, and resources needed to successfully handle even the most complex and complicated explosion claims. If you were injured in an explosion, contact our explosion attorneys at your earliest convenience to schedule a free case evaluation to see how we can help you.


Anytime that gas leaks in a space that is enclosed an explosion can occur. As the gas leaks, it mixes with the air which causes pressure to build up. When the pressure builds up and reaches a high enough level, almost anything can trigger it to cause an explosion. That means a single flame or spark like static electricity can ignite a devastating explosion that ends up causing a scorching fire. The most common types of gas used to heat our homes that are related to explosions are as follows:

  • Propane
  • Natural Gas
  • Methane
  • Butane

If any of these gases do leak in your home for any reason, you may be subject to a home explosion. Here are some of the most common causes of explosions in a home or office building:

  • Tanks that hold fuel placed near flammable material
  • Hoses or tanks that are leaking
  • Gas appliances leaks
  • Gas lines or propane lines that were improperly installed
  • Defective control valves, meters, pipes, regulators
  • Old and aging pipes and/or gas lines
  • Rupturing a gas line while digging
  • Equipment improperly reconnected by workers
  • Equipment left on resulting in an explosion

All explosions are different but one thing is for sure: They are often complicated and very difficult to point to one single thing that caused the explosion. More often than not, there are multiple small issues or defects that end up leading to a much larger, massive, and sometimes fatal explosion. Oftentimes, there is more than one party responsible when an explosion occurs. Our explosion attorneys can help you identify and build your case.


Construction areas are very dangerous. There are many hazardous components on construction sites that can cause explosions as much of the material that is used in construction is terribly volatile and extremely flammable.

Although explosion incidents can happen at any location and at any time, there are various locations that seem to be more prone to their occurrences. Some of the most common locations of explosions that our team of explosion attorneys at Burg Simpson investigate include:

Chemical Plant Explosions: There are numerous reasons why chemical plants are more common locations of explosion incidents. The majority of explosions at these locations occur due to incorrect storage practices, inadequate maintenance, the improper handling of flammable objects, the non-compliance with federal and state laws, defective equipment, and inadequate training.

Plant and Refinery Explosions: Many plant and refinery explosions occur due to unseen corrosion, improper maintenance, improperly cared for boilers, well blowouts, unsafe practices and procedures, and inadequate training. These incidents are truly devastating and often result in burns, fires, and massive property damages.

Land Rig Explosions: Although not as common as plant explosions, land rig explosions continue to happen throughout the United States. In most instances, land rig explosions occur as a result of gas truck accidents and pipeline transport errors. Failing to maintain the equipment and property adequately can also lead to life-changing explosions.

Fertilizer Plant Explosions: Today, the majority of synthetic fertilizers are composed of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. These substances, when combined with others, can lead to violent explosions. In some cases, inadequate training and improper storage methods can lead to these incidents.

Oil Rig Explosions: Working with oil rigs present unique challenges that most people in the United States fail to recognize. There are extensive risks associated with using heavy machinery while working with volatile substances. When oil rig explosions occur, many companies try to shift the blame to the victim. For this reason, it is crucial that you seek legal guidance from a skilled explosion attorney as soon as possible to ensure your legal rights are protected.

Pipeline Explosions: Gas and oil pipeline explosions can result in mass-casualties and billions of dollars in property damage. These incidents are truly catastrophic and can take days to clear up. Regrettably, when pipelines explode, it can lead to extensive property damage, toxic exposure, burn injuries, severe blunt force trauma, and even death.

If you have been injured as a result of an explosion, or your loved one lost their life, it is crucial that you seek legal guidance as soon as possible. You may be entitled to significant compensation to help you move forward that an experienced explosion attorney can help you maximize.


People who are harmed in explosions often endure severe and catastrophic injuries. Quite often, they are rushed to the hospital and have to undergo emergency surgery. Due to the extent of injuries, many victims are placed into comas to help their bodies heal without having to endure the overwhelming pain associated with them. Not every explosion results in severe burn injuries for victims. Rather, there are a variety of life-altering injuries that victims can endure.

Some of the most common injuries sustained by explosion victims in the United States include:

  • Blast Lung
  • Blunt force trauma
  • Burn injuries
  • Broken bones
  • Traumatic brain injuries
  • Traumatic amputation
  • Internal organs ruptured/bleeding
  • Air embolization
  • Abdominal/hollow viscus injuries
  • Pulmonary contusions
  • Asthma and COPD
  • Spinal cord injuries or paralysis
  • Neck and back injuries
  • Internal organ damages (lung damage due to chemical exposure)
  • Hearing loss: Inner ear ruptures
  • Eye Ruptures/Vision damage/Blindness
  • Disfigurement
  • Physical Disabilities
  • Death

Generally, injuries from explosions can fall under any of the following categories:

Primary Blast Injuries: These injuries are caused by the force of the initial blast wave.

Secondary Injuries: These injuries occur as a result of flying objects and being struck by bomb or explosion fragments. These injuries can result in eye penetration and deep, sometimes life-threatening, lacerations.

Tertiary Injuries: When victims are thrown as a result of explosions, they can suffer injuries due to striking hard objects or surfaces. These injuries can be traumatic head injuries, fractures to arms and legs, and various other injuries.

Quaternary Injuries: These are injuries that a victim can suffer from that exacerbate existing injuries or conditions. For example, if someone has heart problems, they may suffer cardiac arrest due to an explosion. These injuries can also lead to problems and complications later on in life.

When victims are injured in explosions, it is crucial that they reach out to an explosion attorney as soon as possible. Victims may have legal avenues available to help them cover the costs associated with medical treatment for their injuries and more.


There are various circumstances taken into consideration when it comes to determining what damages are compensable. Furthermore, the extent of injuries plays a critical role in determining how much money a person is able to recover. Generally, explosion accident victims can recover compensation for economic damages like:

  • Medical costs for their injuries
  • Long-term care expenses
  • Lost wages for attending appointments and for recovering
  • Lost earnings for victims who are forced out of work indefinitely
  • Property damages

In addition to economic losses, victims may be entitled to compensation for non-economic damages as well, including:

  • Pain and suffering
  • Mental anguish
  • Emotional distress
  • Physical disability
  • Disfigurements and scarring
  • Loss of consortium
  • Loss of companionship
  • Loss of quality of life

Working with a skilled, knowledgeable, and effective legal team can help to ensure you are able to maximize your recoveries after being harmed. The explosion attorneys at Burg Simpson provide an array of services for our clients to ensure they are in the best position possible to maximize their recoveries. Some of the services we offer our clients include:

  • Investigating the incident to determine what led to it occurring
  • Gather evidence from the scene of the accident
  • Speak with witnesses and gather statements on behalf of our clients
  • Investigate the property owner where the incident occurred
  • Investigate the company whose product exploded
  • Gather medical reports and damage statements to determine the cost of each accident
  • Work with financial experts who can fully calculate lost wages and long-term earnings by taking an array of factors into consideration
  • Filing all documents and evidence in a timely manner
  • Ensuring the accuracy of statements, evidence, and documents provided to the court, our clients, and to the defendants in each case
  • Aggressively negotiating full and fair compensation to ensure our clients are in the best position possible to move forward and cover their debts
  • Provide responsive and effective legal representation in court whenever we are unable to come to a settlement agreement with at-fault parties

Our team at Burg Simpson simply believes that each client deserves justice after being harmed in a careless and senseless explosion. This drives our team to provide the most effective legal representation to our clients. Additionally, our explosion attorneys maintain open and continual communication with our clients so they are aware of what is happening every step of the way.

Our attorneys remain available to answer all questions our clients have about their cases and we strive to keep victims aware of what is happening throughout the duration of their legal claim. If you have been injured in an explosion, contact our law firm at your earliest convenience to see how we can help you.

Although we like to believe that everyone recovers from their injuries, this is not always the case. In fact, victims who are involved in massive explosions are at an increased risk of passing away from their injuries. When victims lose their lives in these incidents, their surviving relatives may have legal options available to help them obtain compensation to alleviate various costs they face moving forward.
Depending on the state where the incident occurred, there are various parties who may be able to find wrongful death lawsuits after a tragic loss. Some of the parties who are able to file these claims include:

  • The surviving spouse of the decedent
  • The surviving children of the decedent
  • The decedent’s parents
  • The adopted children of the decedent
  • The designated beneficiary

In some cases, extended relatives may be able to file wrongful death lawsuits after experiencing the sudden and unexpected loss of a loved one due to an explosion. Working with an explosion attorney can help to determine if you meet the required criteria to bring forth a wrongful death lawsuit after a loss.
Some of the costs our team of knowledgeable national explosion attorneys can help you recover after the loss of a loved one include compensation for:

  • Medical expenses related to injuries from the explosion
  • Funeral expenses for your loved one
  • Burial costs
  • Loss of companionship
  • Lost support
  • Lost income
  • Lost benefits
  • Lost consortium
  • Mental and emotional pain and suffering your loved one experienced before passing
  • Your mental anguish and emotional suffering

You do not have to move forward alone after enduring the unexpected loss of a loved one. Our team of explosion attorneys strives to help you recover the maximum amount of compensation available to ensure you are in the best position possible to cover the financial burdens you face. Although there is truly no amount of money that could ever replace your loved one, having the financial resources available that you need moving forward can help to alleviate some of the stress your family faces from the unexpected loss. Contact the attorneys at Burg Simpson today to see how we can help you.


Being harmed as a result of a gas or oil explosion, or losing a loved one in an explosion incident, can have a devastating impact on a person’s life. Not only are there unbearable mental and emotional consequences associated with these incidents, but the financial burdens can cause unanticipated challenges.
Our national explosion lawyers at Burg Simpson have decades of experience helping those harmed in oil, gas, and propane explosions protect their legal rights. Our team investigates all types of industrial explosions on both land and sea to uncover the circumstances leading up to these catastrophic incidents.
Whether you were injured due to a defect or another person’s negligence, our attorneys strive to provide only the most aggressive and competent legal representation to ensure you are fully and fairly compensated for the pain and suffering you are forced to endure. If you were injured in an explosion, contact our law firm today at (888) 895-2080. Schedule a free case evaluation with our team of explosion attorneys at your earliest convenience to discuss legal options available to help you recover.

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