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False Claims Act Attorneys in Cincinnati

The False Claims Act Explained

Enacted during the Lincoln Administration and still sometimes referred to as the “Lincoln Law,” the False Claims Act is a federal statute that is used to target fraud in government contracting. It is arguably the most effective anti-fraud statute in the United States and has allowed the federal government to recover tens of billions of taxpayer dollars over the course of the last several decades.

A vital feature of the False Claims Act is a qui tam provision that allows anyone with evidence of fraud against the U.S. government to file a lawsuit in federal court. A qui tam whistleblower is most often a federal contractor employee who has inside information about a fraud that is being perpetrated. Attorneys who handle False Claims Act cases file qui tam actions on behalf of whistleblowers and are well-versed in how to navigate the process from start to finish. It is important to remember that the False Claims Act explicitly requires that a whistleblower be represented by legal counsel at all stages of the process.

The whistleblower, or relator, in a qui tam action under the False Claims Act can potentially be awarded a significant amount of money. Factors that can influence the size of a qui tam award include the specificity of the information provided, whether the fraud involves a significant public safety issue, and whether the federal government decided to join the lawsuit.

The most common types of cases that False Claims Act attorneys handle are qui tam actions that expose illegal kickback schemes, fraudulent healthcare billing practices, defense contractor fraud, GSA contractor fraud, and the unlawful marketing of pharmaceuticals.

Why Hire Burg Simpson?

The False Claims Act attorneys at Burg Simpson are widely recognized for their ability to successfully help clients “blow the whistle” on fraudulent activity. We are highly adept at building strong qui tam cases and aggressively pursuing the monetary awards that our clients are owed under federal law. Burg Simpson always prioritizes the privacy of each qui tam client and consistently provides effective, confidential counsel with regard to False Claims Act cases.

Schedule a FREE Personal Consultation Today

Do you possess non-public information that fraud is being perpetrated against the United States government? If so, you could be entitled to a significant monetary award as a qui tam whistleblower.

You are encouraged to schedule a free consultation with one of the False Claims Act attorneys at Burg Simpson – an award-winning law firm that can potentially help you navigate the qui tam process. Set up a FREE consultation via our online form or call us at (888) 895-2080 to get started building your case.

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